Jumat, 03 Mei 2013

Explanation Text - Rainbow

Rainbow is a beautiful sight that is rarely found. This natural phenomenon is an optical and meteorological phenomenon that forms the spectrum of the sky due to the refraction of sunlight by rain or dew point in Earth's atmosphere. Symptoms that can form a colorful bow. Phenomenon occurs only in the rain along with the sun shining, and therefore the rainbow always appear directly opposite the sun. While the refraction is a process diuraikannya a specific color into another color (also called the color spectrum) through a particular medium.

Rainbow formed by the refraction of sunlight by water pressure in the atmosphere. When sunlight through water droplets, the light is bent in such a way that makes the colors that exist in a separate light. The sun itself has multiple colors called polychromatic.

All colors of the rainbow produced by sunlight begins. Each color is bent at different angles. The color red is the color most recently deflected while purple is the color most first steered. Light that can be captured clearly by the human eye there are only 7: Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet. Rainbow can be observed when it rains and the sun shining from behind at low altitude.

The most amazing rainbow phenomenon will occur when the air a bit overcast and there was light rain. When my back to the sun, we will look at the rainbow with clouds background, the colors will look clear and unequivocal. The uniqueness of the rainbow is only visible shortly after the rain and sunshine accompanied, usually occurs in the morning or late afternoon when the angle between the sun and the earth is still low.

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